miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Do you belive in ghost?

Well...now I want to talk about last summer,when I went to Neus’s house to sleep an incident with spirits happened to us.
When we finished watching the horror film, we went to sleep very frightened.
At 5 o’clock, Neus was waking up, because she heard a strong shaking in the bed, she thought it was me, but she was looking to me, when she saw a terrible spirit. She was running very quickly to the baddrom, when suddenly she found me.
While we were speaking, the spirit was inside in the bathroom, and we were running around the house but the spirit was following us.
Finaly, when we phoned the police, the spirit disappeared, but this day, the spirit didn’t disappear.
Lol, you now that this story are fals, but a similar accident was happened to us whith spirits, and now Neus and me belive in their a lot, but we prefer not remember this, because it's very terrible :S

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